Racial Equity and Restorative Process work through Sidney Morgan’s Red Sea Road Consulting LLC
Psychological Safety in the Workplace through Amanda Singh Bans M.A. LCSW, Resonance Therapy
LGBTQ+, Transgender, and intersectional gender justice work including partner facilitators as needed
Community and staff feedback processes such as assessments, surveys, focus groups, listening sessions, etc, with approachable facilitation that centers communities most impacted
Political education trainings customized to fit the needs of the group, exploring the history and intersections of race, class, gender, (dis)ability, and more
Train-the-trainer to grow facilitation skills among individuals or groups
Executive coaching (regardless of title) with non-judgement and compassion while centering race, gender, and power
Adapting skills to new realities, including how to effectively facilitate virtual meetings, workshops, and trainings
Curriculum development and refinement, including building, writing, editing, innovating, and/or compiling material for learning
Description text goStrategic planning ranging from individual projects to organization-wide multi-year processes
Change management and systems development in times of transition and conflict
Analyzing and reporting on data in accessible ways, including organizational equity assessmentses here
“Quick tips for interrupting oppression and microaggressions in group spaces” (2024) created handout
“A Short History of White Christian Nationalism and Anti-Trans Attacks” (2023) interviewed on KBOO
“Introducing Gender Pronouns in Group Meetings” (2012-2022) guide co-creator
Queer Heroes Northwest (2017) honored awardee
“Trauma Informed Care and Assertive Engagement” (2017) workshop co-facilitator
“Faces of Trans Inclusive Health Care” video series (2012) lead producer
“Awkward Ally Moves” (2012) co-creator of original handout
“The Benefits of Equality: A Blueprint for Inclusive Health Care for Transgender Workers” (2011-2013) toolkit co-author
Animal Aid 2023-2025 Strategic Plan (2022) project manager and consultant
2021-2025 ADVSD Area Plan on Aging (2021) co-managed trans elder needs assessment
“Houselessness in natural areas: Conservation and social service professionals come together for a compassionate approach” (2017) collaborator
Equity Data Governance Digital Community Engagement Model - Multnomah County Mental Health and Addiction Services (2017) consultant on community input model
"We are BRAVE: Race, money, and abortion access" (2014) first edition editor
“Tribal Equity Toolkit: Tribal Resolutions and Codes to Support Two Spirit and LGBTQ Justice in Indian Country” (2013) first edition reviewer
“Healthy People, Healthy Communities: A Toolkit for Effective Conversations about Transgender Health Access” (2013) collaborator
Oregon Insurance Division bulletin on transgender health coverage (2012) collaborator and co-editor of original bulletin
"Know Your Rights: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Trans Oregonians' Rights” (2011) collaborator
“Too Afraid To Learn: Barriers to Post-Secondary Education for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Students” (2009) contributor
“New rules outline employee rights as county honors Transgender Day of Visibility” (2017) interviewed for role in Multnomah County policy change
“It’s personal: tash shatz learned from an early age to advocate for LGBTQ rights” (2017) video profile as a Multnomah County employee
Interview with KGW News Channel 8 (2015) on Domestic Violence Awareness Month and the Purple Purse Campaign
"Beyond the Binary: Portlanders Talk About Identities Outside Male & Female" (2015) interviewed for PQ Monthly
“Cover Oregon ‘not accessible’ enough for gay and transgender Oregonians, groups contend” (2014) interview for Portland Business Journal
The F Bomb: Five Portlanders on Feminism (2014) panelist for Bitch media event
Oregon Public Broadcasting “Think Out Loud” (2013) interviewed for radio program
“Gender-neutral restrooms required in county in Oregon” (2013) quoted for KPTV
Gendercast Episode 36: Trans-Inclusive Healthcare, Trans Justice Project at Basic Right Oregon (2013) featured on podcast
“Oregon bans anti-trans health care discrimination” (2013) interviewed for Washington Blade article
"Oregon, California require transgender health coverage” (2013) quoted for Associated Press
“Oregon law protects trans healthcare rights” (2013) interviewed by Erin Rook for PQ Monthly
"Sexual violence on campus, not just a crime of men against women” (2010) interviewed for Investigate West
“New Reports Call Bullying in Oregon Schools a Major Problem” (2009) quoted for Salem News