• Racial Equity and Restorative Process work through Sidney Morgan’s Red Sea Road Consulting LLC

    Psychological Safety in the Workplace through Amanda Singh Bans M.A. LCSW, Resonance Therapy

    LGBTQ+, Transgender, and intersectional gender justice work including partner facilitators as needed

    Community and staff feedback processes such as assessments, surveys, focus groups, listening sessions, etc, with approachable facilitation that centers communities most impacted

    Political education trainings customized to fit the needs of the group, exploring the history and intersections of race, class, gender, (dis)ability, and more

  • Train-the-trainer to grow facilitation skills among individuals or groups

    Executive coaching (regardless of title) with non-judgement and compassion while centering race, gender, and power

    Adapting skills to new realities, including how to effectively facilitate virtual meetings, workshops, and trainings

    Curriculum development and refinement, including building, writing, editing, innovating, and/or compiling material for learning

  • Description text goStrategic planning ranging from individual projects to organization-wide multi-year processes

    Change management and systems development in times of transition and conflict

    Analyzing and reporting on data in accessible ways, including organizational equity assessmentses here