"I treasure my experience working with tash. As a facilitator, tash is respectful and patient and shows a profound generosity of spirit; as a consultant and collaborator, they are quite brilliant, but also humble and professional. I have continued to use the expertise tash shared with me in my life as a professional and activist.
tash is an excellent public speaker and group facilitator. They use a laid-back, warm approach to addressing difficult topics. Just as important, tash is always excellently prepared, both to present the information at hand and to take whatever questions or concerns the audience has in stride. They have an impressive breadth and depth of knowledge about equity and social justice, but they always make participants feel like the topic is within their grasp." - Cass Cole, Community Educator
"I participated in a group conversation that was emotionally challenging. Tash helped lead that conversation in a way that invited real interaction among the participants, and helped make it safe to speak honestly.” - Emily Pittman Newberry, Author http://butterflyarose.com/
If you've had an experience with my work that you'd be willing to share, I'm always grateful for feedback. Please click here for a short survey to share your experience. (You'll have the option to make it public or not.)