Originally written July 2023
I spent three out of my four highschool years in a suburb in Colorado. Across the state there were attempts to suppress “diversity” clubs like Gay/Straight Alliances and Native American Student Associations. How little has changed from then to today. Luckily, those attempts in the early-mid 2000s to prevent clubs from meeting on school grounds proved futile. I was privileged to have a Gay/Straight Alliance as a student, thanks especially to those who started it (shout out to Josh!)
One of the GSA sponsors and champion teachers was Kelly Gibson. She not only gave me space to affirm my gender, but also taught my favorite subjects - English and theater. In my senior year, her family moved to rural Oregon where she’s been holding it down as a high school teacher for almost 20 years. Though it came out a few months ago, I just recently heard her interviewed for Guy Kawasaki’s Remarkable People podcast “Kelly Gibson: The Real World of a Public School Teacher.” She shared some deep and inspiring truths about political dogwhistles, embracing technology, (not) arming teachers, and more. After listening, I felt inspired and hopeful. Thank you Gibson for being a damn hero, and thank you to every adult out there is keeping kids alive every day.